Media Coverage Charts

Dave Chappelle got more coverage than Waukesha suspect

You may have noticed that the outrage over Dave Chappelle's show The Closer has received significant coverage over an extended period of time.

Waukesha parade attack's suspect Darrell Brooks, on the other hand, hasn't been in the spotlight as much as you would expect in mainstream media. Right-leaning commentators even suggested some titles were worded in a way that focused more attention on the SUV than on the driver. 

So we decided to see if data actually pointed to a disproportionate coverage: we compared the number of mentions in left-leaning outlets of Dave Chapelle and Darrell Brooks in the weeks after "The Closer" was accused of transphobia and the Waukesha massacre happened...

Sources include NBC News, CNN, Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post, New York Times, VOX, CBS News, ABC News, Politico

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