Media Coverage Charts
Is the media boycotting cryptocurrency?
No matter what you think of cryptocurrencies, we probably all agree that the media should treat this market like any other market, without an implicit bias. When it comes to finance, the stock market, and currencies, coverage should as a general rule be "flat" with some spikes when the markets perform extraordinarily well or extraordinarily poorly.
We had a theory: the media seems to be interested in cryptocurrencies every time their value goes down, but when it goes up they do not report it.
To test this theory we overimposed 2 different data sets over the course of a year. One is the intensity of media coverage as detected by our technology and the other is the value of Bitcoin. We then normalized the two sets so that they use the same scale: the result is a chart that shows the intensity of coverage and value on the same scale.
So, how has the media treated cryptocurrencies over the course of a year? This visualization is one of the most stunning we have encountered...
Sources include ABC News, Breitbart News Network, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, HuffPost, Los Angeles Times, NBC News, New York Post, New York Times, Politico, The Hill, USA Today, VOX, Washington Examiner, Washington Post
Foto di David McBee da Pexels
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