Coverage Homepage

One homepage for 10 left-leaning outlets

If you could create a single homepage with all the most covered stories of 10 of the major left-leaning outlets for all 2021, how would it look? Like this.

We have gathered for you all the most important stories of  2021 according to the most followed left-leaning media outlets' homepages and we have ranked them based on how prominent their average position on the homepages was and how long they have been there

By exploring this Coverage Homepage you can see when each story first appeared and how long it has been on the homepages since then. You can also see how many and which outlets reported it and read a relevant article by clicking on the box title. Some stories' coverage is even broken down outlet by outlet, and you can see the relevant percentages in detail moving your mouse over the chart.

Analyzing the different stories you can have a unique perspective on how 2021 was seen by these outlets and what they considered more important.

OK, this one is for the real media buffs... but it really gives you a unique overview if you care to spend a little time on it, and you can have it only on BiasVisualizer!

You can see more details on how we created this Coverage Homepage by clicking on the question mark in the data header below.


Sources include ABC News, CBS News, CNN, HuffPost, Los Angeles Times, NBC News, New York Times, Politico, VOX, Washington Post

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